Find your new favorite •COM domain
Should I get a .com domain?
For a lot of people out there, .com is the internet. And for good reason — with nearly 100 million registrations, .com is by far the most popular domain extension worldwide.
But in today's internet, where there are targeted TLDs for everything from your favorite food to the country you live in, .com has come to symbolize two things: commerce and status. Commerce is a given (get it... com-merce), but the status element shouldn't be overlooked. Short, concise .com domain names are becoming hard to come by, and getting one, for many brands, is a sign that you've arrived. That you're playing with real money.
So don't stress about getting a .com, because the internet is bigger than that now. But if you find a good one, don't hesitate to snap it up. They're like Beanie Babies circa 1997 — you never know when you'll end up with Peanut the Royal Blue Elephant.
Then put your •com to work
Get started with over 100 platforms using our simple plugin system. Just choose a hosted service and the DNS records will be added automatically. Abacadabra.
See All PluginsYour domain registration questions, answered
How does getting a domain work?
There are two pieces to this equation. First, there are domain registries that own the individual top-level domains (like Verisign, which owns .com, .net, and a few other TLDs). Then there's us, the domain registrar, which provides a big online store that houses all the TLDs in one convenient location. When you register a domain, we reserve it for you through the individual registries... like an Amazon of sorts if you were looking for an HDMI cable.
Are there any additional things I need to buy?
Nope, every domain we sell comes with all the bells and whistles attached. If the TLD supports WHOIS privacy, we turn it on automatically. If you want to transfer your domain to another registrar, we don't have any secret add-ons to keep you tied down. And we don't place any weird ads or parking pages on unused domains — we don't see that much anymore, but it was a thing companies have done in the past.